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Oct 5, 2022

Serious emotional abuse and trauma caused to my child at this school.

Awful school. Seriously damaged my child's mental health.

I am a parent of three children. Two go to school. The high school my son attends is fab. So I don't have an issue with schools. So please believe this true account of what this school did to my now 7 year old. Who started age 5 and was abused emotionally from the strart by his teacher(s).

When my child asked for help it was refused on a number of occasions. At times one particular staff member put her hand in my child's face and told him to go away. The school also felt it was ok to remove items from my child's lunchbox, so there were times where my child would not eat. This school traumatized my child so much that he ended up not wanting to go to this school and his experience caused him to have a fear of schools altogether. My child became withdrawn and wouldn't engage with anybody. One senior staff member at this school said to me in a parents evening that schools are run by overweight women who enjoy power over children. She even told me that she once had a child who couldn't use a knife and fork and she refused to help them. Then whilst in forest school, my child was also hit with a hammer. This again would not be investigated.
My child was also being bullied and when asked to investigate this they told my son "you are not being bullied you are sensitive".
My child was pulled out of this school to home educate and once out of school, was a different child altogether. Happy and calm and no emotional outbursts anymore, no more withdrawn behaviour. This proves so much in itself.
When I raised complaints with the school they would not investigate anything, even the CEO would not investigate. They continued to ignore any of my child's feelings. The Tilian Partnership and Bardwell school do not care about the children in their care.

The school staff at this school have lost their passion for the job. They are malicious and build up trust to your face, and abuse your children behind closed doors.

Zero stars!

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