The air is lighter today. A few teachers are off, which means a rare, unexpected treat, a fun, relaxed day at school. Even better? The day before there was no last-minute homework. I actually got to sleep that night without the weight of deadlines looming over me. For once, everything feels... good.
Saturday 15th February 2025
Freedom. Sweet, glorious freedom. Half-term has arrived, and for the first time in what feels like forever, I can breathe. I grab my laptop, sink into the comfort of my well-earned break, and embrace the week ahead. No stress, just time to rest.
Sunday 23rd February 2025
What. Happened.
I log into Edulink, expecting maybe one or two small assignments. Nothing major, right? Wrong. Staring back at me is a monstrous pile of eight homework tasks, quizzes, hours of revision and essays which are all due for Monday and Tuesday.
Half-term "Break"? More like an academic ambush. They held back all the long, mind-numbing, time-consuming work and unleashed it at the last moment, as if school hadn’t already consumed enough of our personal time. Seriously, what is the point of calling it a break if we never actually get one?
All three of my sisters went here. My eldest sister got bullied so much police got involved she would get thrown in bathrooms and punched and even kicked and worse school did nothing about this so she skipped half her time there, after that, my other sister went there, she got bullied as well but not half bad as she was quite popular then my third sister went, she went there for about 2 years suffering from bullying there including, anxiety and depression i hope in the few years this school has improved but i highly doubt it. Its incredibly sickening how school didn’t care.
Avoid this place. Can't keep the staff so lots of supply teachers. Poor behaviour in many lessons. Sanctions are mostly ineffective. Very little SEND provision. Teachers are worn out. One-size-fits-all teaching methods. Legacy of staff bullying persists, both bullying kids and other staff members. Toxic environment to be in.
Ashlawn is a awful school
my daughter has been getting bullied for a while now, I've tried to confront the school and that have said that i have to ride it out as the student that is bullying can not be confronted my daughters is comin home everyday and hasn't ate her lunch i am so devastated as she is in YEAR 8
I hate this school never go here it is the worst. It is old crusty and musty it looks like like is going to fall down any second now along with the students education i don't get what kids will be sent to this hell hole teachers give detentions out like sweeties.DONT GO HERE
Ashlawn is not a school any students should want to go to and i would not recommened it to anyone. It may look good at first but in reality its not. All they do is claim to care about the pupils and their mental health but really dont.All they seem to do is belittle students and make them feel worthless when they go to ask to recieve help for mental health.The school cares more about if a student has red hair or a percing then their mental health and wellbeing. all they seem to care about is getting a good ofted report.The ofsted statement of calling the school inadequate was well deserved.Students dont receive enough help and there is not enough facilities like toilets .Now the school as placed a lock on toilets and you can only go if you have a toilet pass as staff get in trouble if they let too many people out to go to the toilet.They also claim it stops people from skipping and vandilising although it still occours and others have to miss out becuase of ashlawns rules.Instead of going straight to punishing everyone maybe they should ask why people skip as things may be happening at home.They should also only punish those he cause theese problems.
An amazing school and no fights has happen in the the pas 2 weeks and teachers a lot better and try to push you in learning so you can be the best and more stricter
Abhorrent school. School meals that Ashlawn serve should be illegal. They are unhealthy, bland and overall disgusting. Students can do as thry wish- they walk in and out of lessons whenever they want.
I go to this school and i haven't been here for long but it is awful once i needed to go to the toilet in a lesson after lunch because i had just started my period i showed my teacher the pad yet he still would not let me go to the bathroom, There have been so many reports on things like this happening all the time not to mention the whole school is so dirty its like they never clean it and the bathrooms half of the toilet stools don't work or are covered in mud and dirt it is disgusting you can usually find older kids in there skipping lessons or vaping yet teachers do nothing to stop this they inforced no going to the bathroom in lessons to stop people skipping lessons yet i've seen many people skip lessons all the time.The new hands off policy also is very unrealistic as you cant even high five your friend anymore.
My child attended Ashlawn and i wouldnt recommend it to anyone. My child was put in the grammar stream but then taken out of it without me knowing (i only found out accidentally a couple of years later). When it came to GCSE options they didnt get any of their choices. I spoke to a senior person who assured me choices would be reviewed, resolved and theyd feed back to me. Nothing after that. Went to a parents evening where i spoke to a teacher and wondered why i was talking to them; turned out theyd changed GCSE subjects again without any consultation with me to something completely random. At another parents evening, we had teachers who didnt know who my child was, but who were supposed to have taught my child for some time. My child got a lot of detentions and i questioned them all. Eventually i concluded they must have my child confused with another and asked a head of year to investigate. I then got a call from an apparent teacher of my childs to say he’d always thought another child was mine and had infact been giving my child detentions when it should have been someone else. They did apologise. When my child was assaulted on school grounds by older children, they claimed to look on CCTV and concluded my child was the problem; only upon going in and asking to see it myself did i find they were looking at the wrong person again and my childs assault was on a different part of the grounds; i was told the children would be dealt with and id get feedback. Feedback was chased but never gained. I dont think any action was taken. My child then gained mental health issues and self harmed openly at school as did a group of them. School did not want to be part of a referral until i complained. School pretty much useless the whole way. Didnt carry out actions, quick to close early help, said my child would get a mentor that they then never saw (was removed until a complaint, then reinstated but again, never saw them and was removed again without consultation). The school gave my child extra time in exams and computer to work on all the way up until the final GCSE exams… even the mocks. For some reason they suddenly decided just before the real exams, that they werent able to have any additional support cuz they claimed they reassessed them and didnt need it. No reassessment occurred and although they said theyd resolve it, my child went through exams without the support and gained lower than predicted grades. Found out afterwards it was in error but my child is left to suffer the consequences of that error as my child cant get those exams back. Rather than dealing with issues, the school liked to simply send children home. The school told me it was the childrens choice and if they said they wanted to leave, they had to send them home. Biggest load of nonsense ive ever heard. Classes however are cramped. There is a lot of negative things that happened and id be here all day, but what i can say it i really hope the school changes dramatically for the better because they are a lot of kids being failed miserably there.
The school was good but I had no help with any of my issues I needed help with my mental health and no one helped me or even cared some teachers were amazing and so supportive others are in the wrong job and don’t care about the students the discipline is Terrible they are not good with communication or responding to emails on concerns with students the teachers pick favourites and decide who they think needs help and not help those who have been diagnosed with things and need help with them I had a camhs report saying I needed help and the head of sendco told my parents that she did the same assessment on me (she didn’t ) and I didn’t need anything that camhs said
Overall the school needs to change its dicipline hygiene and it’s care for its student
Well first of all most of the teachers are amazing but the head teacher is stupid and don't have a clue what she's doing. The school is dirty, the tables are greasy, the guttering leaks and all the drains are blocked. The older chairs and tables are dangerous (table collapsed on me) and chewing gum is underneath them. You generally get the impression that most of the staff are there just for money and don't know what they are doing. Not the best!
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Friday 14th February 2025
The air is lighter today. A few teachers are off, which means a rare, unexpected treat, a fun, relaxed day at school. Even better? The day before there was no last-minute homework. I actually got to sleep that night without the weight of deadlines looming over me. For once, everything feels... good.
Saturday 15th February 2025
Freedom. Sweet, glorious freedom. Half-term has arrived, and for the first time in what feels like forever, I can breathe. I grab my laptop, sink into the comfort of my well-earned break, and embrace the week ahead. No stress, just time to rest.
Sunday 23rd February 2025
What. Happened.
I log into Edulink, expecting maybe one or two small assignments. Nothing major, right? Wrong. Staring back at me is a monstrous pile of eight homework tasks, quizzes, hours of revision and essays which are all due for Monday and Tuesday.
Half-term "Break"? More like an academic ambush. They held back all the long, mind-numbing, time-consuming work and unleashed it at the last moment, as if school hadn’t already consumed enough of our personal time. Seriously, what is the point of calling it a break if we never actually get one?