It has been an awful year and two terms. I have experienced constant insults from teachers, who exercise their power in a very Orwellian fashion, I have experienced false accusations without a chance to defend myself, and much more that has gone under the radar. I once received two days in ICAS for having a file. That's our isolation by the way.
I am a student at this school. I do not understand why so many parents are spreading rumors about this awesome school. Please stop criticizing. All you need to do is behave, you wont be punished for nothing.
The worst school ever. They are extremely racist & discriminatory. They are unnecessarily strict and rude. There is a staff member at the front shouting at 11 year olds who come late. Staff members say things like 'why are your trousers low, have you lost weight?'.
They told me I wouldn't get a job due to my prayer requirements. I was also told that 'if I wanted to be a monk somewhere I could'. So many more horrific things happened.
So I know I am not finished but so far that I have been in this school (about a year) it hasn't been the best experience, the school is strict and doesn't really have any teachers that know technology and most staff like to abuse their power here and just do the most random stuff like giving students disciplines for no reason but for their own enjoyment and to also keep themselfs from being fired and school only cares about grades and money but it teachers who know how to use the technology. Homework is long, and missing a single day of school gives you catch up. In theory that's sounds good but you return home late and you don't get a sick days without catch up limit. Moving on the school lunch isn't the best, like free school meals if your legible isn't the best and most food is overpriced. The lockers are really small for lockers and can be hard to fit stuff in. Moving from that topic teachers when sick/not in for some reason gets a substitute teacher who most of the time doesn't know what the subject is. fire drills: fire drills are important but one for each year, no communication in anyways this includes signalling to someone to move will fail the drill, if so you have to repeat it with Everyone, if you fail it more then 3 times it will start to cut into your launch which is fair if it wasn't because of one person.
Moving one the new timetable makes it so you get a extra 5m while moving to lessons but that is token out of your launch and break.
I have only been at this school for a year but as I have seen a lot of old teachers are leaving and new teachers are joining.another topic is f105s which are handled out for a lot of reasons but mostly due to missing equipment and you have to do it at lunch, I have not covered every topic like I haven't covered icas or study hall but that is mainly the important parts.
School is ok if you want to have your kids with strict teachers
So I know I am not finished but so far that I have been in this school (about a year) it hasn't been the best experience, the school is strict and doesn't really have any teachers but it teachers who know how to use the technology. Homework is long, and missing a single day of school gives you catch up. In theory that's sounds good but you return home later and you don't get a sick days without catch up limit. Moving one the school lunch isn't the best, like free school meals if your legible isn't the best and most food is overpriced. The lockers are really small for lockers and can be hard to fit stuff in. Moving from that topic teachers when sick/not in for some reason gets a substitute teacher who most of the time doesn't know what the subject is. fire drills: fire drills are important but one for each year, no communication in anyways this includes signalling to someone to move will fail the drill, if so you have to repeat it with Everyone, if you fail it more then 3 times it will start to cut into your launch which is fair if it wasn't because of one person.
Moving one the new timetable makes it so you get a extra 5m while moving to lessons but that is token out of your launch and break.
I have only been at this school for a year but as I have seen a lot of old teachers are leaving and new teachers are joining.another topic is f105s which are handled out for a lot of reasons but mostly due to missing equipment and you have to do it at lunch, I have not covered every topic like I haven't covered icas or study hall but that is mainly the important parts.
Ashcroft Technology Academy.
Everyday I wake up, eyebags puffed and moist after last night’s mourning of my ability to hear. I couldn’t hold back the salty tears that had overflowed last night as I reminisced Mr Gallagher’s voice in the dead of the night. My greatest nightmare.
I may have been trembling, shaking- but I was breathing.
“OI! SHUT UP!” (“SHUT UP!” “Shut up!”)-> (*echo*)
I frantically gasped for air, clutching the ink-smeared bedsheets with my clammy, sweaty hands. The very hands that work tirelessly day and night. Essay after essay, my red, swollen fingers begged for rest. But that’s not what Master Ashcroft desires
The school is fine but overly excessive hours, the most normal one would be when the students end school on Mondays and Fridays at 3:15. For the rest of the days they have to stay till 4:30. The children that I know that go to the school stress every day about homework and unnecessary detentions. This school is perfect if you wish for mentally drained kids!
This is a terrible school, with incompetent management that has a lack of compassion and understanding for the students who attend. Many of the upper level staff are completely ignorant to the needs of students and their mental and physical well-being. They care more about numbers and stats, than how their students are actually doing. When I attended the school, I was heavily discriminated by the staff due to my long-term illness. On my attendance record, they would rather lie about educating me off-site to protect their stats, instead of actual providing me with education at home or reporting me as an authorised absentee. There’s so much more I could say in regards to this absolutely terrible school, however if you take away anything from this, please let it be the following statement. Ashcroft is a terrible environment for students, especially those in need of support. Despite my excellent behaviour and grades, when my health declined, Ashcroft failed to provide any help and became a cold and hostile environment, even more-so than it usually is known for being. To conclude, I would like to mention that I am aware there are many people who have gone to Ashcroft and are doing well off, however if you value your child’s mental well being and want them to be in an environment that actual area for their well-being and not use the school’s statistics, I implore you to look elsewhere.
Recently due to COVID the school have attempted to make a one way system but there is no social distancing and classes are still packed till the limit. Health and safety is a great concern.
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