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Feb 20, 2025

Do not go here


This school is horrible. At first glance it looks very good because they are number 1 in Greenwich but don’t let that fool you. If you go to this school, you’ll see unnecessary detentions for not having a piece of a equipment like a pen and not being in scholar which is a system that they made for us so we can ‘pay attention’. Also there is a literal SITTING PLAN FOR LUNCH and lunch is only 1 PERIOD, NOT 2 ONLY ONE and what they’ll probably say is ‘more learning’ while we just be even more depressed because of these STUPID rules. We only act nice because of the consequences like they literally threaten us detentions for the most dumbest reasons. And also they send people to the reflection room because they ‘argued’ back or something they find offensive or bad but some teachers are genuinely very nice while the rest are terrible. They say to ‘take care of our mental health’ while also making it even more worse because of the rules and the school’s system. Unless you want to make your child become miserable I suggest to not go here.
Former Student
Feb 6, 2025



This school made me suffer from mental health problems I came in scared and doubtful of my own abilities the teachers were not all terrible and a few were great but others gave interventions for very minor things talking in corridors dropping pens .In their parents evening they lied and bragged about their grades almost making me and my family feel like we were scammed. Instead of saying the word detention they intervention because they help us in our punishment however yet again this is not true. They were ignorant about how students felt. please I suggest a different school. When my mother was working with them to help me they barred her from the school accusing her of staff abuse and pretended to say to call the police this took things to far. do not send your child here.
Feb 6, 2025

Inflexible, rote memorisation, and draconian punitive atmosphere

I cannot recommend this school based on my experience with my child. I have had to withdraw my child and homeschool while we await a place in another local school, as their anxiety was so badly impacted by attending this school. I would summarise my concerns with AGFS in the following key areas:

1. Draconian (mis)applications of behaviour policy

The scholars at this school are treated as delinquents and criminals, and the school's so-called 'interventions' do not, in fact, feature any additional support or interventions by staff in my child's experience. They are purely punitive. Often my child wasn't fully aware what the 'intervention' was for, and in many cases it was for things that I don't think constitute a behaviour issue. For example, my child received detentions for dropping a glue stick accidentally, asking if they could pick it up, being told no, and then was marked as not having mandatory equipment for missing said glue stick; looking out of a window during a maths class (they were thinking of the algebraic equation at the time); taking too long to write down an answer they were trying to think of; wearing a coat inside the school when walking into the school one January morning; failing to write the date on the top of the homework and having too much space in the margins (2 hour detention for this, despite the homeworking being done in full as per the instructions). Students are not allowed to socialise at all between lessons (it's purely silent transitions), and on one occasion my child received a detention for silent communication with another student when they stepped on the heel of their shoe by accident. The school also gives detentions when scholars fail an exam - this happened on one occasion where over 80% of the class failed the same exam. They attend 'Media Mastery' where they watch a video recapping the subject matter, and then sit the exam again. If they can remember the content verbatim in that 5-minute interval, that's considerered a rectification of the previous failed exam.

2. Inflexibility and failure to act on recommendations for reasonable adjustments.

My child was assessed by the GP as experiencing 'acute anxiety' directly related to the school and its application of its behaviour policy (see above). Quite often the punishments my child received were due to misunderstandings. The school appointed an Educational Psychologist to assess my child for ADHD, and whilst they did not seem to have ADHD, the EP did recommend some adjustments to help with my child's processing IQ. None of the recommendations made by their appointed psychologist or by my family GP were enacted. My child's academic performance and anxiety continued to suffer, despite this being a kid who previously had no academic issues, no anxiety and no behaviour issues. As a parent, I found them impossible to work with, and communication between staff was incredibly poor. Even if I managed to communicate with one staff member, this would never seem to filter through to any other staff members.

3. Teaching to the test / rote memorisation

The school's outstanding results for tests was part of the reason I wanted my child to attend. However, all of the education my child received attending AGFS was focused on rote, verbatim memorisation. The homework is all 'Look Cover Write Check', or LCWC. My child did all of their homework, and often would retain some of the memorised words, but when I discussed the subjects with them, they would struggle to apply the concepts meaningfully. If your child does not learn well through rote memorisation, they may well struggle as my child did, despite being a good and highly engaged student in every other setting. Fortunately, my child is performing well against Year 7 expectations in the national curriculum since we began homeschooling, so my hope is they won't have suffered too much or fallen too far behind when they can return to a mainstream school. It's quite possible the stress and anxiety referenced above compounded my child's ability to memorise content. I can see how if children can memorise and regurgitate content, this would lead to high test scores, but I worried for my child as they weren't applying the information in a meaningful way, and didn't seem to be learning particularly well.

All of this is based on my and my child's experiences. I believe other children may well thrive in this setting. My caution is that if they do not, the school does not seem able or willing to support students who are struggling or don't fit their mould.

*In terms of my detailed grading of the experience, I also had some safeguarding concerns, as on at least two occasions they marked my child as absent when they were in attendance. One of these instances was for a detention, which my child sat, and had I not caught their error, my child would have had to sit an additional 2-hour detention due to their administrative error. This plus poor communication with the school is why I marked safety & security as bad. Food & Meals I've also marked as 1-star, as year 7s eat lunch at 10:30am and often didn't have time to eat a full meal once they queued in the lunch line, which meant my child was often ravenous by the afternoon. For this reason I began sending my child in with a packed lunch, but I understand they will be making buying lunch compulsory from next year, which will further limit the time scholars have to eat.
Former Student
Oct 30, 2024

A horrible establishment.

Where to start… if I could give this school 0 stars I absolutely would. This was the only school my parents applied to me for in year 7 and I genuinely wish I went somewhere else. AGFS is so strict on behaviour that it actually creates behavioural problems; detentions for not having a pen or for not wearing your blazer mean that my behavioural record to anyone outside of the network looks HORRIBLE. Furthermore, they target certain children. I know this to be fact as I remember entering my head of year’s office in year 7 and seeing folders for specific children, myself included, on the wall and they were filled with witness statements, report cards etc. The class average for detentions by the time I left was 60, if I remember correctly. The school has deteriorated rapidly in terms of personal freedoms students have, and when I joined some years ago it was already one of the strictest schools in the borough. Students cannot enter the building at lunch, and only one toilet is available for 120 children to use. We have three minutes to get to our next lesson, and go to the toilet etc. Whilst on the topic of toilets, they aren’t sectioned off and have no doors. The corridors open right into the cubicles. You cannot under any circumstances leave lessons to go to the toilet, regardless of how desperate you are. Some teachers are sympathetic however they still have to call a member of the pastoral team to escort you there. Moving from lesson to lesson is a silent affair and you receive detention for even whispering. Lunch is a 50 minute period, split into 25 for outdoor time and 25 for lunch. Whilst in the dining hall, you have to participate in ‘family dining’, where you are asked questions and have to sit in silence other than to discuss said questions. THERE IS A SEATING PLAN AT LUNCH. The corridors must be single file at all times. They are extremely strict on uniform; I wasn’t allowed to wear my Doc Martens as they had yellow stitching, and I received an indeterminable amount of detentions for mascara. I have absolutely nothing good to say about this school. They are undeniably racist— they intentionally target students of colour for bag searches, exclusions and isolation. My friend was kicked out after being told she’d be returning the next year, with no explanation. Hannah Brooks, a member of SLT, once told me I couldn’t bring up my issues I had with other girls because, being tall for my age and being seen as black, they saw it as aggressive. I myself over five years must have had over 200 detentions. I was a stellar student in primary school and the insanely strict rules at AGFS meant my behaviour, on paper, had deteriorated, however I’m inclined to disagree, with the benefit of hindsight. The grades I received in Year 11 were brilliant, I will give the school that, however the effect it had on my mental health and relationship with my parents (who sided with the school on many issues) has simply made it not worth it. They’re not well equipped to deal with cases of bullying and sexual harassment. They believe that a no phone policy will help bullying cases to decrease, however they also claim the school to properly prepare us for real life.. if you bring your phone in it gets confiscated for a full term. It has to be picked up by a parent. If these issues were properly brought to light, the school would experience severe backlash from the public, but by writing this review I can only hope you choose not to send your child here. The food is also ABHORRENT. There’s more however I’ve spent enough time thinking about this school already
Former Student
Oct 29, 2024

Overall review of the school and mainly focusing on the negatives

The school helped me get outstanding grades but had RIDICULOUS rules. My year group in particular were hated by the teachers since year 7 having to stand in a line after school for around 30 minutes because one person made a noise. Very few teachers were good and the current head is an awful human and is so against phones that she tried to snatch my dad’s phone off of him. Miss H brooks is a horrible woman and likes to bully the children and provoke fear out of them on many occasions she would come right up into my face to question me about makeup which is ridiculous. Since moving on to a grammar sixth form I’ve noticed how school life is so much better with much less of a workload and children behave A LOT better than they did at gfs. It’s way too strict and the SLT team are so entitled, the head is awful and gets a kick out of punishing students even when they’re not doing anything wrong. My advice to the school is to tone it down on the rules because it’s ridiculous and I feel so bad for those students who are at the school now as it just gets worse and worse every year. The good teachers always leave while the ones who can’t teach end up staying and the homework isn’t helpful at all and leaves people stressing. If you try to do your homework at lunch time you’re shouted at and given detention. Trying to go to the toilet was impossible and being a girl having to spend all day without being able to use the bathroom is horrific. Teachers lack consideration for the students and expect utter perfection, luckily I never got in trouble at the school but if you even associate with someone who the teachers don’t like you will also suffer from the consequences. If you don’t mind excessive rules and insane discipline with basically no freedom whatsoever (even lunch times being taken away regularly by the head or by the drama teacher) then gfs is perfect. But overall it’s hard to get by in that school with certain teachers especially the SLT or some office ladies. Good school if you’re looking for good grades but in terms of actual school life this school is very limited. If I could go back I would’ve gone somewhere else as it was such a challenge to just get by however I have many fond memories with my peers and certain teachers who were lovely. Good luck if you attend this school.
Oct 8, 2024

A negative, stifling environment to nurture a young adult.

My child is in his fifth year at this school. The only reason we persevered was because they wanted to stay with their friends but wish we had pulled him out when the initial problems arose. There has been issues with bullying and safeguarding. Discipline is akin to something out of a military camp. Minor infringements of rules are dealt with as severely as major ones and punishments escalate quickly. When pressed on whether they think holding a pupil for two hours after school for not underlining a heading, the response is as cold as " we are following orders and cannot make exceptions". Children are discouraged from any critical thinking, despite what they lead you to believe. Concerns about the environment creating anxiety in our child have been ignored. They learn by rote and if you don't fit the learning style they will give you "interventions" until you do.
Extremely high turnover of staff, which is perhaps down to the fact that it is a training school with trainees gaining their qualifications on the job then leaving.
The school also withdraws pupils from GCSE subjects if they don't think they will attain a high enough grade.
This school will not be considered for our other children.
Sep 24, 2024


ts school is so dead they give u a bsu if u dont even know how to do the work properly 😭😭 i got on called (bsu or reflection room) for not getting a question right LMAOOO ITS WILDD
Jul 10, 2024

This school is a cover up for predators

I am surprised this school is still running. Read what people are saying and believe them.
Sexual assault and predatory behaviour is covered up here.
Teachers bully students and isolate them for weeks

Teachers mock students about eating disorders
Teachers lie about wheelchair access and claim that they don't have any, so deliberately discriminating against anyone who has a physical disability

It is a disgrace that they are still allowed to destroy students lives

Do not send your child here
Former Student
Jul 10, 2024

Do not send your kids here!!!

Has a history of covering up sexual abuse by both teachers and students. Excluding students who came forward and going so far as to delete the CCTV evidence on multiple occasions. Multiple girls have attempted suicide as a result.

Has severely abused and neglected several students leaving them with life long injuries especially disabled students who were locked in isolation and left without food or toilet breaks. One disabled student ended up soiling themselves because of this.
Jul 3, 2024

Good very nice

Good very good very nice
Feb 27, 2024

Ark Greenwich free school

Terrible school! Pupils are getting suppressed by staff and talked like they are slaves. Staff dismissing kids who are unwell and using a fear policy to make them scared of punishment. My daughter had mental break down in this school. Thanks Miss Brooks, totally ignorant human. Not sure she shoulfd be working in school but fir prison she will be the most popular.
Dec 8, 2023


do not go to this school i hate it every time i come here and they punish you for no reason this school is like a prison do not work here or send your child here the education is horrible and they overwork you parents please do not send your child to this school i have asked all the students and they agree with this as well every student is unhappy here also the teachers bully and torture the poor students
Jul 13, 2023

A Strict Environment at Ark Free School Greenwich

My child started at Ark Free School Greenwich September 2022 ( They have now transferred to another school ), and while it does have some positive aspects, I found the school to be incredibly strict to the point where it stifles the students' freedom and creativity. The emphasis on discipline and order seems to overshadow the nurturing and supportive atmosphere that should be present in an educational institution.

One of the most striking observations my child reported to me was the extreme level of strictness enforced by the school staff. Students appeared to be constantly on edge, fearing any misstep that could lead to detention. It was disheartening to witness these constant fears over something as minor as dropping a pen or not standing on the correct line in transition. While discipline is important in maintaining a productive learning environment, the atmosphere here felt oppressive and stifling.

Another aspect that stood out was the restrictions placed on students during transitional periods, particularly during exam times. I was surprised to learn that students were not allowed speak at all or to engage in regular conversations during these periods. Students were only permitted to whisper during non-examination dates, adding to the sense of restraint and unease. It is crucial for students to have the opportunity to discuss and clarify concepts with their peers during such times, as it can enhance their understanding and relieve stress.

Additionally, I was disappointed to discover that students were not allowed to speak to each other during lunch sessions when certain teachers were on duty. Social interaction and building relationships are essential components of a well-rounded education, and restricting these opportunities can have a detrimental impact on students' overall development. Furthermore, scheduling lunch for Year 7 students at 10:30 a.m. seems excessively early, potentially affecting their concentration and energy levels in later parts of the day.

While Ark Free School Greenwich may strive to instill discipline and academic focus, it is important to strike a balance between structure and the holistic development of students. A more flexible approach that fosters open communication, collaboration, and a positive atmosphere would undoubtedly benefit the overall educational experience for students attending this institution.

Please note that this review reflects my personal experience and observations of Ark Free School Greenwich.
May 17, 2023


The teachers swear at students
Mar 15, 2023


I cannot stress how terrible and shocking this school is, not only is it prejudice, it is not offering any support to students who cannot immediately retain knowledge. The homework is the same across all subjects , where we simply have to copy out 5 terms across a page which is ineffective and a waste of time, the school then proceed to issue 2 hour detentions to those who cannot remember the word for word definition , in something called "boot camp" , this sounds like a prison more than anything. The work and tests across the sets are the EXACT same, and the idea of sets is completely disregarded as no extra support is available to those in lower sets.Rather than improve the education system they spent their entire budget on a big blue square (The MUGA) which didnt need improving, and is now slippery and dangerous, and means when it rains we cannot play outside,so many people have slipped and fell over when this never happened before,meaning it is basically useless, we also got outdoor changing rooms, however we are not allowed to use them what was the point in this?
Former Student
Mar 15, 2023

I would give it 0 starts if I could

Ark Greenwich free school is the worst school anybody can go to . During Ramadan the head teacher mr Rhys spiers said to students that wanted to pray because it was prayer time he didn’t allow them to go and pray he said “It’s your choice if you want to go heaven or hell”. They don’t care about students mental health. The care about being the top school. The headteacher Hides behind other teachers . Mrs Filipova she’s racist. Mr woodland went into the girl’s changing.
Mar 13, 2023

A prison or a school?

I have never been to such a disgusting, useless and pathetic school. Not only are the teachers CLEARLY prejudiced towards people who get higher scores and those who don't. Just like in a prison, they use a wand to search you despite every student being a minor who is most likely not going to bring anything. If they find a mobile phone, they take it for as long as they like. The headteacher is barely around and spends much of his time making changes that are absolutely useless. For example, instead of getting a new Science teacher (the old one had left, which meant all her lessons were covers) they wasted over £200 on a new MUGA. Just so you know, the old one wasn't really that bad. And instead of getting more trained teachers, they made outdoor changing rooms (which are just short, long rooms made of metal). Not only that but, they host 2 hours in which you wait an hour before you go to the toilet and if you go you have to stay behind the time you spent in it. Which is insane, because how can I sit 2 hours sitting and writing and not go to the toilet?

They also have an isolation room (which they now call 'Reflection Room') where you write 2 pages each period all day then sit an hour or 2 afterwards. Nothing else. Not only that but, there had been many cases of SA, cyber-bullying happening and it always ends with the obvious victim getting detentions. This school is horrible, and I'm not even saying it as a student. I'm saying it as a person, which the school doesn't even treat me as, the teachers at this school abuse their power and get away with it. This is extremely unfair and unjust.
Former Student
Mar 13, 2023

Im confused how this school is still open

I would give this a 0 stars if i could,
firstly they set us an unimaginable amount of work, it is simply ridiculous the workload you want 11 year old children doing,
secondly, we are told that we will receive a detention and it is impossible not to get one
surely this in itself is proof of the broken behaviour system
thirdly, the school is majorly understaffed , i cannot remember the last time i went through a week without a cover lesson, the current year 8 and 10 scholars have not had a science teacher since christmas and have been told not to expect one until easter, half of the science teachers dont even teach science but have had to take on that role. there are only 2 actual geography teachers and over half the stalf are clearly, blantantly racist
staff are constantly mixing up hijabis name, people who are different races, in different year groups and in different sets, the school does not allow people to pray on time and does not offer any support
finally, the school issue detentions for the silliest things , some examples incude sit up unacceptable, entrance unnaceptable
do not send your child here
Jan 16, 2023

Bad shcool

It's a bad shcool I had to sit for 2 hours as I failed all my tests
Jan 15, 2023

Bad over all how they 26th

Shit shcool as the teachers are over the top you get pushed for the smallest things ad
Jan 3, 2023

My opinion

Ark Greenwich Free School has been very aggressive to me as a student. They once said I would not be able to succeed in life as I had average grades. They are too aggressive and they make everyone feel unsafe. They believe they are making the right choices, where actually they’re damaging everyone’s mental health. I DO NOT recommend this school to any students that want to join it any teachers that want to work there.
Sep 16, 2022

Secondary Education

Terrible place of education! Do not attend

Absolutely horrendous! My child has been extremely unhappy at this school. They have been bullied by staff and given sanctions for very insignificant school rules that do not make sense. The school does not work with children, they deny them of an education. The teachers have a bully mentality and it would appear that very often the teachers antagonise the children to a point where they become emotionally distressed and then give out exclusions and sanctions. Staff also tell lies and are extremely hoggish and disrespectful to children, treating them like second class citizens. When placed in”Reflection” all day, children simply sit in silence copying notes from a textbook. This is not teaching and learning by any stretch of the imagination. They are even forced to eat an entirely different lunch!

The Headteacher is non existent and hides behind the senior leadership team.

This school is absolutely dire. They need to stop introducing rules that do not make sense, and or ensure parents and students fully understand the reasons behind them.

The worst decision ever made, to register my child here!
No schools should be allowed to operate in this manner. This is no school, this is a concentration camp!!
May 25, 2022

#dictatorship/prison school/too many detentions for minor

As other's above have stated the school is like a prison, they dictate to students, use authority of power against them which in return distresses students and intimidates them. Most students are forced to put their feelings aside as they are afraid of telling a teacher as they won't listen and believe them. (I've seen this as a parent for 4 whole years in this school). This has had an effect on dd's mental well being and academic studies.
My dd stayed until Yr 10, only as we couldn't find space in other schools. She had a really bad experience, if you tell a Safeguarding member of an incident of bullying they never helped her instead they blamed her for something she didn't do without any sort of evidence, which resulted in exclusions that were wrongly given. As many times you try to email Headteacher, he doesn't respond, only other senior members. Parents are not heard, they don't get the respect and wishes of their child/ren
A child needs to feel important and heard otherwise it can have an affect on their confidence and ability to communicate well with peers and teachers too, which is important for their adult life. It can also have a big impact on their academic education and mental health which is vital for a child to succeed.
Teachers don't listen to students with query or plea as my daughter felt. She has been writing in her diary ever since and we felt it may get better but in Yr 10 she couldn't handle it anymore and it affected her mental health as she used to only think of 2 things everyday DETENTION and BULLY. This school should be closed down. There is no need for dictatorship in this time and day.
Hope you reconsider of taking your children to this school.
Apr 19, 2022

Is it worth your child goin to this school?

My son, which i will not state his name, has being goin through alot not only with friends or his outside life, his experience at his secondary school. This is school is extremely strict and straightforward which i like but, not caring about my sons mental health or giving the most silly reasons to give my sons or anyone ones son or daughter a detention.
I will also like to add that i am not from this country and to see that this school dosent focus on culture enough for example bracelets which are complusary to wear in my country which represents pride and indignity is not allowed to be worn in this school really shocks me. I may rethink my son attemding this school
Former Student
Apr 1, 2022

caused negative mental heath and suicide attempts

This school disregards bulling and children's mental health. I was being cyberbullied by a peer and when I brought it to the attention of the safeguarding team all that person had to say was they don't have social media to be let off without further investigation.

Another incident was when I was given a safety plan as a result of self-injury but the safeguarding team never checked up on my mental heath after that, and the way my self-injury was dealt with happened very fast which was both confusing and traumatising. (my friends have also had negative experiences related to the safeguarding team and the attention the staff has towards children's mental health.)

Lastly, this school only cares weather you get good grades, the mental heath of their students does not matter. This can be proven by the amount of homework I was given from year 7 up to year 11 (i have since graduated.) my peers and I have lost huge amounts of sleep due to the amount of work pushed onto us especially during exam seasons when sleep is vital.

If you value your child, please find a better school.
Sep 30, 2021

its a prison ngl

we're not allowed to do anything.. any little thing u get a detention or BSU
Former Student
Nov 28, 2020


went here from years 7 to 9, very cold and don’t take mental health seriously at all. more like a prison than a school. many of the good teachers left and apparently they treat staff terribly. also front desk is so rude and would keep you waiting as a student for things such as handing in letters (few second request) whilst talking about irrelevant things with coworkers like their children school plays etc. enrichment was the defining feature of this school compared to others in the area and that’s now gone and there’s nothing else that’s striking
Oct 7, 2020


shit lmao could be a lot better
403 Shooters Hill Road, SE18 4LH, London

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