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Former Student
Mar 2, 2025


i was a student last year and moved out because they treat you like your a prisoner
mr ittu took over the school and now you cant even have more than 4 friends, you cant even high five people, it is honestly like a military camp. what ever you do,
Mar 1, 2025

So bad don’t go to this school!!!

They stole my daughters phone for the whole year of year 8 and a teacher hit my son
Feb 8, 2025


DO NOT COME HERE!!! This school is covered up and secluded but SO MANY bad things have happened here at this school!! The headteacher (Tommy Ittu) grabbed a child's arm and pushed him against the wall, i have seen with my own two eyes. The Head of Year for year 9 got sacked for reporting this incident to the governor. Multiple reports of the executive principal (Rhys Spiers) allegedly sexually assaulted a girl in his old school. The children are FORCED to do 9+ pages of homework a week AND seneca and sparx to top it off?? Teacher management is horrible here. I have seen kids vaping in the toilets and even IN CLASS. The rules are so horribly strict, it's like a first grade military school. Tell me why makeup ruins your education and future career?? Why untied hair equals no job in the future?? Stupid rules and we all are sick of it. They do not care about the education. Academically challenged children are not helped in this school whatsoever. Safeguarding is horrible. They've removed so many GCSE options and now it's limited to less than 10 options, with only 1 option to pick from for each student. School does not care about mental health and wellbeing. They ignore obvious signs of suffering children- why? Because THEY are the reason children are like this in the first place. Ever since I've moved here, my mental health has dropped drastically. I've started to self sabotage because of this school. I'm mentally unstable now and i'm sure i'm not the only one who feels like this. The no-phone policy is absolute BS. Kids should be allowed to communicate with their parents when to and from school. In an emergency would they call for help?? NO, because the school requires every child to leave their phone at home! And what if they don't? Oh yes, it's either they take your phone for the whole week (or even a month) or it's a suspension! How fair! Please for the love of god, don't send your children here. Do it as a favour for yourself and your child.
Feb 6, 2025


this sc(H)ool is (E)xcellent, (L)ots of support with homework (P)lus the homework is already really easy! (M)e and my fri(E)nds were so happy when we got into this school! (H)onourable m(E)ntion the (L)ovely sparx questions (D)on't m(A)ke me wan(T) to rip my hair out. (G)oing o(U)t in the e(N)ourmous (P)layground is so enj(O)yable, (I)nside of the (N)ot noisy library (T)here is so much place to sit.
Nov 27, 2024

Shame on you

Terrible school in lunch hall mr ittu grabs a student for being on the wrong table at lunch and whack him on the wall the teacher cant do anything because he doesnt care about expelling student or getting rid of teacher hes so corrupt and does whatever he wants.He gives out rule wich he doesn't obey like pushing in front of student to eat lunch when he yaps about pushing in guy you need to get rid of him every student is scared of him come on are you guys gonna stand there and make all these children suffer.Shame on you.Lunch people give ittle food not even enough and hat mr ittu has 10 time more than the students.
Nov 27, 2024

School is terrible, dont send your child here please

Life at this school had nothing but be stressful for me. The school offers no support towards those who need support such as dyslexia and more. I am a pupil at this school and i have been here since year 7 and seen IT ALLLLLL....
They are very petty in their detentions that they call, "interventions." they give it to you at an drop of an hat, even suspensions! i had been suspended for wearing my coat inside for apparently being, "defiant."

Absolute rubbish school, don't come here!!!!
Nov 21, 2024

ark is bad

awful school never send your kid there
Nov 20, 2024

This school is disgusting

Bad at school wouldn’t recommend going in there. The toilets are terrible all clogged up we all over the floor poo on the walls unsanitary place to be in when you’re trying to do your business the door open to the boys toilet teachers can look in as a camera on the boys toilets people vaping in there and on their phones this is terrible because that’s such a young age people should not be vaping. This school is so bad it does not help with your anxiety or depression. They say they want to help you but they don’t. One minute they’ll say they’re here for the next. I’ll say they don’t have the resources to help you. all the teachers shout the uniform is so strict like you’re not allowed to wear trainers you can’t have coloured socks even if they’re white that will lead you to a 15 or a 30 minute detention after school. I feel like we’re in a prison right now and if we do follow any of the rules instructed by teachers we were just getting a detention. All the teachers shout to try settle the kids but that just affects others. Some people have grown up with parents arguing and do not like shouting and I am one of them people always swear and vape on the playgrounds on detrimentally bad
for your mental health and well-being . Despite the no phone rule kids till continue to bring in their phones and you know why it’s because of bullying and horrible children who hurt others for their own pleasure, say if they are getting beaten up on the bus home then can’t call anyone for help because they school don’t allow phones for the kids education? The no makeup rule is ridiculous even if it’s just a little bit of coloured lip balm , this school is out of control and some of the teachers are treating these kids like animals or prisoners , some of the teachers are good and actually know how to treat kids well in a school but most of the other ones are out of hand and need to stop being this strict , the rules they have added in the past year is utterly disgusting can’t be in a group with more than 6 people on the playground can’t hug / even high five your friends and you get shouted at if you walk on the grass at break time , the girls toilets are just as bad, clogged toilets , used period pads and tampons , poo and unflushable toilets clogged to the brim the floors are dirty and unsanitary, normally no soap and toilet roll thrown everywhere , the food is so overpriced and you only get free school meal if you have issues at home , £1 for water at lunch and they don’t let you have water for free because you have to bring in your own water bottle ? What if you can’t afford it , this school is out of control and it needs some serious talking to -
This is written by two yr8 students one female one male
We do not recommend sending your kids here if you don’t want there lives and mental health to be wrecked .
Nov 20, 2024

this school is so bad

the give us a set place to sit in the canteen and make us eat our food extremely quickly and the food standard is so bad i found a pube in my curry i feel rushed and the lessons are so bad and i cant learn.they also give us way to much homework
Nov 5, 2024

such a bad school

this school is horrible much much bullying to my daughter!!
Oct 20, 2024

Ark Alexandra= BAD

This school is horrid. You are not allowed to touch anyone AT ALL. No high fives, fist bumps, NOTHING. Secondly, no phones aloud. They say, 'Oh YoU cAn HaVe TrAcKeRs On YoU'. Like that is good and all but if you are somewhere you shouldn't be, how do your parents say you shouldn't be there. WORST SCHOOL EVER.
Oct 5, 2024

Horrible school.

I am a year 9 student who has just joined the school at the start of September. First of all, the rules are so strict and uptight. Hair must be tied back for girls? Skirt must be BELOW the knee?? NO MAKEUP ALLOWED, EVEN COLOURED LIP BALM??? This is a school, not a church. The most bullcrap rule is the No-Phone Policy. Students walk to school and take the bus everyday without an adult. This makes them exceptionally vulnerable for offenders and adults that are not to be trusted. If an incident does happen, they will not have a phone on them to call for help. The school says they do it for every child's well being, but in reality they are just making it worse. That's not even half the problem either. I want to talk about the homework. Multiple students, including me have been overwhelmed with the amount of homework the school has been setting students lately. Students have to do 8 pages of homework a week AND online homework too, including Seneca and Sparx Maths. Even the school teachers think that the homework is a stupid idea. About bullying. In my class, a girl has been making fun of a boy for being overweight. The teachers do nothing about it. They only give you detentions. And lastly, I want to speak of an experience that has happened at this school. A girl was misbehaving in class, so the teacher sent her out of class so she would talk to her. I don't mind this part since any teacher would probably do this. But then this male teacher came up to her, pinned her against the wall and asked her; "Why are you out of lesson?" Now, what would you do if you were pinned to the wall by some old man you want nothing to do with? Push him off, right? Exactly. The girl did just that, she pushed him off, obviously because she didn't want to be uncomfortably touched by some old man, and guess what? The next day she got expelled because she breached the "no-contact policy." And the man? What happened to the man? Nothing. No firing, no suspending, nothing. He went to the school the next day like nothing ever happened. If a teacher happens to read this by any chance, my friend told me this. About the teacher, he is bald and wears a grey suit most of the time. He often talks with Mr Ittu. I hope nobody else goins this good-for-nothing school. It's a waste of time, and not worth it.
Sep 24, 2024

Don't send your child to Ark Alexandra academy

School is terrible, as I student I have left my honest review.dont you think that 9 hours of home work a week (if your lucky) is nice? Well no, the school have even managed to make anything some like waiting in a lunch line miserable.if your reading this, please do not send you child here
Jun 13, 2024

Not worth

its just bad ykwim......
Mar 25, 2024

don't go to this school trust me

the school is very cruel and unfair.the teachers don't teach properly and and give detentions for no reason.once i got a detention when someone put their middle finger at me and i got a detention.
Mar 11, 2024

This is a bad school

The only things good about this school are the food and staff members.
Lessons are getting shorter due to bad kids interrupting. Also they need teachers to supervise during some substitute lessons. There's lots of talking. Students walking out of class and hiding in the toilets. Nobody supervises the toilets during lessons. It's utterly ridiculous. Lots of people are moving because of strict rules. Wouldn't recommend to anyone who either just moved to a country, been through homeschool their whole life. Ark makes it look like 'the best school's since it feels like hell there! Some teachers are a bit strict but not too much. Intervention for not being at line up?! That person could've been eating the whole break and unable to go since and they get INTERVENTION?!
Dec 19, 2023

Sucks to be here tbh

Not aloud to hug friends nor be with 6 + friends they dont support kids with dyslexia and other medical conditions some teachers are nice barely kids vape in the playground andits not a safe place for my child do not recommend i have been removed by my mu
Nov 13, 2023

School gave me a std and very racist

So it was march 21 2022 I was in English as a supply teacher at my big age 47 its hard to keep a class under control as I'm getting older till this beautiful year 9 stood up for me and I felt aroused so we kicked it off im not gonna go into detail but im in ove with her she may be a bit overweight but other than that i love making love to her every weekend
Former Student
Jun 25, 2023

Don’t send your kids

Will never outshine the sports of the original William Parker Sports college ark should never of got involved or merged with the school since than it’s just a down hill slope
Jun 13, 2023

Nice :)

It is a nice school! But like any other school it can have its ups and downs. I am having a lovely journey at Ark so far. My teachers treat me with respect. They have trust in me. Always there for me :)
Former Student
Jun 5, 2023

Very sad looking and feeling.

I got my good grades but I was miserable. I had favourite teachers like everyone. The security teachers though were discriminatory, mean, not understanding of personal lives and just wanted to get you in trouble. The school is very focused on the uniform, had been for all the years I was there even when it was Helenswood but it was to a point of it feeling like the military and taking all individuality. It made you feel criminal just for forgetting to take nail polish off. Their views were all over the place, cared more about looks then well being. After Helenswood the food quality went down a lot. The outdoor space (at the Parker site) was either a field or a court. Either sit on the floor and chat or stand and chat. Looked like a prison inside and out to be honest. One good thing is the lack of bullying. I do wish they had more creative after school classes though.
Jan 2, 2023

my experience at ark

i do NOT agree with this school. the bus manegment is terrible if you get the school buses. the older years vaping and swearing and doing largely inappropriate things. the buses are also very crowded and i dont think anyone is doing anything about it!!!!????
dont get me started with the toilets at breaktime aswell… all the year 8s on their phones and vaping? at such a young age is a big no no! theres already been lots of people moving already and i will be moving this horrible school aswell soon enough.
the pe teachers are NOT on either. ive heard one of them has swore at a year 7?! 👎 The sanitary service is also a tradgedy aswell, the school floors are vile and atleast 20+ gum under each table?! the food at ark is about the only thing good about this school! The bullying is big here aswell and no teacher really seems to give a rats ass. Im not done yet about this darn school…
if youre child has littrally THROWN UP.. they can “still go to school in the morning but can go back home straight after thr registration so you basically dont miss a day off”. THATS THE SILLIEST THING IVE EVER HEARD A TUTOR SAY?!
ark makes it seem like a wonderful place to be but never judge a book by its cover..
Nov 18, 2022

Ark Alexandra Academy protects rapist

I was a student for barely 3 months when i was raped by a student in yr11 (i am also a yr11 student, i transferred from another school) There was police involvement, statements and DNA evidence taken. However, after i spoke out about my assault i was punished, they kicked me out of school. This was after a meeting with the headteacher who decided to laugh in my face and ignore everything i said.
Don’t get me wrong they have some good teachers and good things going on, but god forbid something bad happens to you. They would rather remove the ‘problem’ than solve it. Of course i was the problem and not the boy who actually raped me, but my bad, it’s just an allegation right? And that’s just the short version.
Former Student
Oct 27, 2022

I was a student idk

This school traumatised me and gave crippling anxiety

I'm a former student who was there from year 7 to the beginning of year 11 intill I left because of the panic attacks I was getting from going to this school.

I was there before Helens wood and parker merged, so when the school merged I was at the upper school so I'm not sure what it was like at the lower.

I attended Helens Wood and it was good academically. The teachers were nice and the classes calm. The only complaint was that I am dyslexic and I received no support part from when I took my gcses there would give me extra time. Other than that it was good.

In school I always struggled to make friends because of my anxiety so for most of my school life I had no friends. This school did not help Me in any way with that. Also when I got picked on nothing was done about it. This did not change when the schools merged.

When the school merged I would describe it as chaotic. the teachers had no control over the class and people would shout, chuck things around the class and storm out. So many times I've come out a class not doing any work because the teacher was to busy trying to calm people down then to teach.

Also because of the chaos so many amazing teachers left and classes teaching arrangements would become weird and disorganised. I had 3 different teachers for maths and 3 different teachers for science, all of the science teachers were bad, 1st one was incompetent, 2nd was a pe teacher but was the best , 3rd stormed out every lesson so that lesson was a mess and all of them ended up leaving part from the pe teacher (I think)

The dress code is stupid, I'm not one to hate on uniforms but come on. For boys it was practically none existent but for girls oh no. You must have your hair tied up, no makeup, no jewellery, no trainers even if there black, skirt must be below the knee, at a time you must have over the knee socks if you wore them but they got rid of that rule because of back lash, no phones out even during break and more I probably forgot to mention. They say its for unison because " were all apart of a team! " but it's for control, unison is boring without some personality.

Also the bathrooms were open which is just why? I want to cry in the bathroom stall in peace! Also I wasn't at the school at the time but the bathrooms were unisex which was good but they made them non unisex for some reason? Like for trans and non binary people that could really affect them.

Overall I had a terrible secondary school experience, I was lonely, bullied and had no friends. The lessons were bad, the teachers were good but couldn't control the class. And it has permanently altered my life, I have depression and social anxiety because of school. And I have constant nightmares about school, Overall maybe it has improved in the 2-3 years cince i was there but if it was like how it was when I was there then DO NOT GO.
Sep 16, 2022


It was amazing had a good relationship with the teachers. They were helpful and after school maths and English revision sessions to help with grades
Mar 3, 2022


To first start off with is the staff . With teachers and students most of the time they bond very well but some on the other hand not so well.The food is amazing with a lot of choices to choose from . The breaks are 30 minutes long which is a good amount of time to eat and run around on the playground.

I highly recommend coming to this school.If i could put more than 5 stars I would
Aug 17, 2021

Too strict

Way too many strict rules about pathetic things like… hair colour and style, makeup, jewellery, nails, phones, footwear, and the school uniform. The teaching is okay but the insanely strict rules are just a let down.
Jul 27, 2021

Ark Alexandra Academy

Amazing school, well-regulated and supportive teachers. Only downside is that the new headteacher Mr Liam Collins is hardly seen or spoken about. Amazing cadet group
Apr 3, 2021

wouldn’t recommend

Poor school, wouldn’t recommend
Dec 5, 2020


A couple of good things about the school, good sports facilities and nice food!
But then there are many rules like, year 9,10 and 11 girls may wear leggings for PE but 7 and 8 can't? And the school seem to be more worried about the colour of trousers than the education people get. Overall it's decent but I wouldn't "recommend" the school.
Showing 30 of total 31 reviews

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