
Based on 8 reviews and 72 answers
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Apr 14, 2023

General information on how the school is now

Bullying is a problem and teachers can be extremely horrible to students. I know of multiple students having panic attacks from teachers shouting at them for things they didn't do and certain groups of students in the school have been harassed and scared to the point of skipping or just flat out not attending the school. Most teachers don't help students who are struggling to meet deadlines and get all the work done even some students who have been off for medical reasons have been shouted at because they couldn't do the work on time. The support staff is helpful though and if you have a problem with bullying or a mental health problem they will try and help or point you in the right direction, the school is also very helpful when your planning on going to college or university and even taking up an apprenticeship because they will sit there and explain what you need to do and how to do it. The food is bad and I know of some people getting sick after eating it and some of the time the food looks rotten. In my opinion it's an alright school it has its ups and downs and from my experience I've had a bad time here and so have a couple of other students but some have enjoyed their time here and seem quite happy with how their school experience has been going .
Former Student
Sep 11, 2022

Not amazing, not shit

Former student here, attended for 5 years before leaving after my S5 exams.

The teachers in cooking/childcare/fashion, RME, science and maths are all rubbish, but the teachers in history are very good.

I suspect the people complaining about bullying are left-wing losers who deserve it.

It is extremely easy to skip school, as they always have at least 1 gate open.

The school food was pretty good until they reduced the sugar at the end of my S4 year. Never ordered food from school again after that.
Apr 28, 2022


Kinda sucks. Personal support teacher isn't very supportive and is only worrying about my attendance instead of my actual health problems. Its a good school in terms of academics but the support system isn't the best when it come to kids with undiagnosed problems only showing in high school. It took two years of struggling with my health to get a referral for the schools metal health team and my personal support teacher told me I couldnt be dyslexic cause im good at/enjoy reading. Good school for opportunities just you need to interfere when it comes to getting support.
Jul 18, 2021

It’s ok

It’s an ok school but they don’t do anything about bullying and the outside staff are literally useless and the head teacher is horrible.
All teachers are nice except for the math department the teachers down there are horrible to people.
Jun 28, 2021

It was okay

It was okay but not the best
Former Student
Jan 20, 2021


Really good school in my opinion, amazing teachers especially in the history and art department hey always made learning enjoyable.
Dec 16, 2020

Great School!

I’m currently at this school and it is a great school! Loads of great teachers and pupils
Dec 8, 2020

Awful school

Shitest school I have ever seen. Bullying is a massive issue which they do fuck all about. Most of the kids just pick on kids who are not popular and stuck up cunts who don't know how being yourself is a thing. Teacher are mostly great and would highly recommend history if you ever do go here
Keptie Road, DD11 3EN, Arbroath
01241 438300

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