
Based on 2 reviews and 18 answers
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Jun 14, 2023


Weird school

The school was ok when I was there, however a lot the staff were very bad at sorting stuff out such as bullying and arguements. I have now left the school premisis and i'm very happy I did as a lot of my friends and their parents have said it's gone downhill.
Föredetta elev
Dec 13, 2022

Bullied badly

wightwick hall school was a awful school.stuff was never cleaned or tidy unless if it was cooking mess or a science experiment.
The food was okay but there would be times where the cooks ordered too much food or to less food where pupils wouldn't be able to have what they paid for. The teachers where all lovely and kind for me but had no experience in handling bullying at all the only decent teacher they had who I think should have a raise is the business and enterprise teacher who is still working at that school today. I got badly bullied by my class and even got hit by a pupil multiple times due to winning a certain prize where I even passed out 3 times due to stress and had alot of mental break downs.
The school did nothing to help me with the bullying I was given and only gave me a therapist to talk to pupils about.
They don't have much to offer when I went but there is a new head teacher there now so I hope new pupils who will go there in the future won't have to deal with the same trauma me and my brother did.

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