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Former Student
Jun 15, 2024

There's a special place in hell for goresbrook.

Goresbrook just gets worse overtime. If you have the choice, do not go here unless you're blessed by blatant favouritism.
Feb 26, 2024


I started going to goresbrook around September and the school is actually great! The learning is incredible and the teachers are actually very nice, just a few that are not as nice. One of them normally rolls her eyes at us. Although, I'm normally on edge in case I get in trouble, the school can be very unpredictable- the homework system is also a bit worrying. Everything is online, it's very smart but im always worried the system may glitch somehow- Overall though, the school is amazing and I absolutely recommend going there, it's just the rules that may seem very very strict, but you get used to them :]
Jan 2, 2024


teachers do not care about your mental health. nobody can teach, although it is diverse you will still occasionally find white teachers targeting pupils of colour, they suspend students unreasonably. i would not advise my worst enemy to come here. this school has done nothing but damage my mental health 200x more. if a student which the teachers like more than you, have an assumption they share with the teachers. EVEN IF ITS A LIE, you will still get whacked into navigation (isolation). during my time in goresbrook i have been put into navigation when inspectors come, because i am seen as a “troubled child”. they hide away the misbehaved students when the reputation of the school is being judged. they FREQUENTLY, permanently exclude students just before exam season over little things putting them in a bad position, but i guess getting rid of the children just to keep your “top gcse results in the borough” is okay. teachers treat children like we’re soldiers, giving us half an hour for not being in a straight line. teachers could be informed a student was to get beaten up and they would do nothing but make the victim seem like a suspect. during my time in goresbrook secondary, teachers have not ever once given a student the benefit of the doubt but instead, punished the student for doing something anyone else would do. goresbrook will stress you out, your child will 100% go isolation at least once even if they’re the most well behaved child. they will 100% sit more than 4 detentions, go to a school where children’s minds our valued and not a school that’s on the SA list
Sep 16, 2023


Please do not send your child/children there expecially if you are not white. Teachers there are extremely racist and not professional. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD THERE IF YOU CARE ABOUT THEIR MENTAL HEALTH PLEASE. I'M WRITING THIS BY MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. STAY AWAY 😭
Sep 1, 2023

#Weird School

•They give detentions/lost notes. For dumb reasons example laughing or even smiling tf.
•Confiscated my phone because it was notifying once. (Can't do that/none-sense)
•Not professional and uncomfortable people to be around with! & @wtf
Stupid school rules in GBS honestly…
•Exam rules E.G don't bring not see through water bottle, no I will write on it I guess so. No common sense
•Being "late" on Exams, a few minutes? guess what it wasn’t even that bad.
lastly its a prison school💀.
Former Student
Oct 21, 2022


Awful school. Left immediately.
Sep 28, 2022

leave gotesbrook!

Dont send ur child here i get bullied constantly ive told the teachers about it since yr7 they havent done a single thing about it.
teachers are rude and kids get punished for most basic things
a lot of students are homophobic and racist and a bunch of bullies.
Apr 26, 2022

Horrible school

This school is extremely strict and horrible. Slight xenophobic teachers too. Don't send children here.
Ofsted need to close it.
Former Student
Feb 13, 2022



Yes I have been to this DUMB school, one true thing they cant accept is that they cannot teach, all they care about is sending you to isolation and locking you up, they make you line up in the freezing cold weather, get your stupid diary's out and take your coats of, that's how unnormal they are and that's just the start of it.
I feel sorry for anyone who attends that school, it should be SHUT down, only getting 15 minute breaks and having teachers guarding you like your some sort of prison inmate, its ridiculous.
Every single teacher working in that school will get you stressed and its not worth it, send your children to a proper school.
I give you a choice, would you rather have a strict school who stresses you and your child out, or go to a school where you do have a opinion, have a laugh with teachers and make friends, which one. 🤔
Dec 11, 2021


Worst school I have ever been to. If you care about your or your child's mental health do not take them to this school. Outrageous rules and all the good teachers were sent to six form. Consistent mistreatment of students. this school is like a prison. basically is a prison, because one time after school, all the teachers had left, so no one could open the gate. it was dark because it was after a club, so I had to practically escape through the fire door. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO THIS SCHOOL AND IF THEY ARE ALREADY GOING THERE TAKE THEM OUT BEFORE IT S TOO LATE. LETS ALL REPORT THEM TO OFSTED ASWELL SO THEY CAN BE SHUT DOWN.
Jun 10, 2021

Stay away

This school has unprofessional teaching quilties.they have alot racist and islamphobiac teaching staff.
The school should be shut down. I have reported them too ofstead.
May 21, 2021

Stay away

Very poor school, Children get punished for very basic things, Its like a military operation. And very damaging to the children, They care more for the offsted report than they do the children's well being.
I would no recommend this school for any child.
Aug 24, 2020

It's a bad school

It's really bad there most of the time you can't talk you have to sit on the same table at linch everyday with the same people for half a year teachers areally rude and don't let you explain yourself you get a detention for the most stupid things

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