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Jun 28, 2023

Shit school

It’s a bad school, they don’t care about bullying, homophobia, or anything. All they care about is uniform and attendance it doesn’t matter if your depressed, suicidal or have medical issues. They rarely even check your medical requirements, and they don’t care about any special needs unless your autistic
May 31, 2023

Forge Valley School isn’t the best

It isn’t the best place due to rules being placed in the middle of the school year and the toilets aren’t the best because there is always food in the sanitary bins and there is always writing on the cubical walls
Jan 24, 2023

Still a student

This school is disgusting. Through Personal experience, this school doesn't do anything about your mental health exept from "Mental health non-uniform day". Also the uniform is too strict. You cant wear coats, and the P.E uniform is to short so you freeze. The collars of both shirt and Blazer Pull on the back and front of your neck, this then rubs and creates itches, red marks and sometimes scars. The tie isn't really a big problem as its clip on, although students unclip it and use it as a whip (but I'm aware this cannot be helped). I have a medical conditon that effects my walking, the school helped with this by allowing me to use the lift. Staff are insanely strict with the toilet issuses, if you don't have a toilet pass (toilet passes let you use the toilet at anytime as long as it isn't persistent) they will either ristrict you from the toilet for the remaining parts of the lesson, this is against their own policy, or put you an 'on call' (A member of staff that takes about 3/4 of the lesson to arrive) that collects you from the lesson and escorts you tho the toilet, then writes it in your planner you used the toilet. Some of the teachers I've had are incompetent fools. Im afraid i cannot give names, but I will tell you why they are horrid.
My P.E Teacher forced and bullied me into P.E (as mentioned above I have a medical isssue).
One of my science Teacher talks to us like we are something off the bottom of her shoe, then proceeds to critisise the class and nit pick at our "bad behaviour"
My DT teachers (Design Technology <Cooking, Metal&Wood works) are useless they give us 1hr too cook things like bread.
My RE teacher is insanely rude to Pupils, she made a student cry recently by not explaining a task fully then SCREAMING at the said student, then continues to teach like nothing happened and she can get away with it.
The Head Teacher is a bully, he threatened us by saying "I will come for you", so he basicaly threatened minors, he is so strict it could be a prison.
—————There are multiple other teachers I could go on a rant about but I wont——————
There are mulitple other things wrong with the school like the system. They Pull you out of lessons to bully you about your attendance.
This school does nothing for bulling (partly because the staff bullys). The amount of homework badly effects Mental Health, if you miss homework once, you recive a detention and homework club is on once a week. They expect you to have things like printers and laptops.

I hope this helps!

Anonymous Student
May 17, 2022

Welcoming and all round nice school

No problems with the school, education is a main focus, the teachers almost all seem to really care about the students’ learning, and issues such as bullying, harassment, and unequal rights are so rare that when a case happens it’s a big deal to everyone in the school, and is dealt with quickly and effectively. No issues with Forge, would recommend above the other schools in the area.
Jan 18, 2022

Don't go

It's terrible and it has only got worse in past few years
Former Student
Jul 7, 2021

Hell on earth

Sixth form is leaps and bounds better than the secondary school, believe this to be because the sixth form year leaders (amazing!) aren’t inept as the headteacher is. This school is awful. People seem to think it’s improved since a new headteacher came in but it just hasn’t. SEND department is a joke, don’t bother going to them if this terrible school makes you depressed like I was because they will do absolutely nothing to help, or they’ll get a ‘counsellor’ for you who has zero qualifications to actually help you. This secondary school completely crushed my mental health during the 5 years I endured. Nothing is done about bullying. Littering everywhere. Dining area is terrible and the 30 minute lunch leaves no time to eat after you’ve queued for the majority of it; it’s also a claustrophobe’s nightmare. Racist and homophobic terms are said in the classroom by students with no consequence other than the teacher giving a ‘warning’. What is that going to do? Students are sexist and there is a major harassment issue among the older male students towards female students (which nothing is done about). The safeguarding team does nothing. Headteacher is arrogant and self absorbed, it’s laughable to think he works with the SEND department as he does nothing about student’s wellbeing mental health. Don’t lazily put together a powerpoint that tells students to sleep well (when we can’t due to overwhelming work) and use Headspace when we’re depressed. Instead, fix your SEND department and actually put effort into helping students who need it most.
Mental health is disregarded as a whole by a multitude of staff. Some teachers are clearly just there for the holidays they get off with the job and not because they care about educating children and providing a healthy, worthwhile classroom experience. Uniform rules in regard to dyed hair are also ridiculous and feel draconian. We’re in 2021, dyed hair isn’t going to be detrimental to a child’s education. It’s not distracting. In relation to things being distracting, the school is obsessed with the lengths of it’s students skirts. Apparently it’s distracting for a student (A CHILD) to have a short skirt. To not wear tights when it’s summer in the middle of a heatwave while boys can wear shorts with no issues. This is not only disgusting but something this school needs to reflect on. Commit time into teaching men and boys how to behave instead of dictating how young girls should be allowed to dress. Could write an essay on how abysmal this school is honestly.
Former Student
Nov 24, 2020

Extremely bad

Doesn’t even deserve one star
Nov 11, 2020


Educations bad, have no control of students and only pick on the same few students they dislike.

Loads of litter outside the school which they handle by making the kids litterpick on Fridays detention (which is child labour)

There’s about 500 lines to get into break and dinner because of corona with no distancing which is very claustrophobic.

Overall bad school, don’t make the mistake I did.
Former Student
Aug 27, 2020

better than Bradfield

deffo not the roughest school in Sheffield, i've come back for 6th form so it's decent ig

the English teachers are saints, id let em hold me drink tbh

they've built a big ol' seven foot fence around the whole school

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