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May 7, 2024


Daughter hated here and says she never wants to think about it
Former Student
May 7, 2024


Horrible place

Not even a star after my son left to college no joke he would often report to us as having nightmares of it
Dec 20, 2023

Excellent School

Cannot speak highly enough about this school and its staff.

My daughter has had, since the start in Year 7, particular Mental Health issues that needed to be managed otherwise she would have spiralled. These were not ignored or given lip service.

The school have worked with us since Year 7. She is now in Year 11 and is absolutely flying. High achieving in all her subjects and it is down to the school who have brought this out of her and allowed her to flourish and feel safe
Jun 9, 2023

Constant message to parents phones

Constant messages to my phone about none related after school activities, like or my children are interested in mental health day, no need to message everyday to tell how many days to go ! Some families actually have better things to do and life’s away from school
Nov 22, 2022

Pretty average

It's a normal school. Sometimes they don't have enough sandwiches and we have to eat their mank food, the dinner lines are long and a bit unorganised.

My at my best teacher is never there and so I have annoying substitutes (one threatened to give us 47 minutes after school because of one kid messing about and the other has an obnoxious voice). My at my best teacher also doesn't know how to organise things. We were originally in a computer room, but older years have to use that now, and so we were moved into the music room, but there isn't enough seats, so we go back into the computer room, people are in there so we have to go into the food tech room or something.

Performing arts is alright, but we are currently being forced to sing Christmas songs, even Muslims and stuff like that.

My performing arts teacher ALLEGEDLY told my friends brother to take off a cultural scarf because "we aren't allowed to bring culture into the school" which makes no sense at all when we have an inspiration day about culture, we HAD to watch the match on Monday and we are singing Christmas songs.

All the other teachers are alright though, they do their job.

I got a ROE for forgetting my container on the 2nd practical ever. I told the teacher that it had cracked but she didn't listen.

Also the teachers keep saying oens can't explode and there is this strange couple who are allowed to touch but everyone else isn't.

We do get breakfast and snacks there though so it is fine.
Dec 30, 2021


Literally every school in the surrounding area knows this school to be the school with the outstanding dr*g problem dating back 30 years which somehow always turns up every 3 years without fail.
May 14, 2021

Good school

It is a great school, I would recommend as the school as a whole has gotten a lot better since.. but the safe guarding isn’t the bestest. I was bullied for the majority of my time there so we’re a lot of other students in my year and nothing was ever done for it although I told several teachers and safe guarding; My favourite part was the teachers all lessons were planned very well and I did well with my GCSEs so that is saying something! It’s just the pupils who make the school bad they have no respect for others or others and the ones who are naughty are put higher than the ones who aren’t
Feb 19, 2021


It’s a really bad school teachers attitudes stink no wonder the kids misbehave when the teachers are having affairs with eachother in classrooms but not getting punished? Kids will get excluded for stupid reasons or removed from learning for the dumbest stuff . Also the food tastes like dog food I don’t think any of the chefs are properly trained I once got given frozen chips and really bad smelling cheese
Former Student
Jan 22, 2021

Average but wouldn’t recommend

Average school environment, safeguarding is not the best, children which misbehave are treated the highest (such as rewarding them with treats when they do behave, although students which achieve above and beyond do not receive these benefits) It was once a good school although changed drastically over the years. Many of the decade long staying teachers leaving after a new head was assigned. Many staff prioritise the popular kids over the non popular. GCSE performance is very poor in comparison to other schools. Teachers used to escort students to smoke out side of school premises during school hours.

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