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Former Student
May 16, 2024

It isn't bad

It's quite good if in completely honest and the uniform isn't to bad also I guess there are some annoying rules but that doesn't matter
Aug 17, 2023

Armthope school

Awful school wish I never had to go there.
May 17, 2023

Student of Armthorpe Academy- Year 8

Gosh this school gives me a headache, they don’t care about your mental health and if they find out something is wrong they just make the situation worse. Give me a break! I learn nothing in Computer Science as my teacher barely explain the task, get better man
Apr 15, 2023

Armthorpe academy my review

Thisschool, Armthorpe academy, has a number of teachers that act like they are able to shout at you after one misstep or mistake whereas others are either bias because that know your relative /family or act like they are working in a prison which is coincidentally how many students feel, however there are many good sides to the staff and to the actual academy this is shown by the (greatfood) learning quality and attitude to achieve in some of the teachers and in the head teachers attitude to respect and treat students fairly in which she does many students think that the c2 rules about 5 or more minutes late for lesson is a 20 minute after school detention, this would be understandable if you were 20 - 15 minutes late but 5 minutes could be a bus delay where you just cant make it in time and that is not you fault. Each year group has their own set of toilets which means if you need the toilet near to the end of lunch you can't go to the closest ones next to your nearest class you must go around the entire block to then be asked "why are you late" "I went to the toilet" GO AT BREAK!" but to argue back is against the rule, sent to a different class or isolation
Apr 15, 2023


shit ahh school

sucks donkey balls don’t go
Apr 15, 2023

Armthorpes an absolute apocalypse

Armthorpe is an absolute tragedy. As a student the school is absurdly strict. Also many teachers favourite students. The day that the headmistress introduced the new school rules ( which were very strict and strange). Over 60 exclusions wee handed out.
Feb 25, 2023

Bad school

Bully’s have to have a toilet pass to go toilet in lesson get excluded is get too c4( r and r) in a week rules are out of hand strict stupid school dousent care if u get hurt sick before las lesson say you’ll be fine
May 13, 2022


bad school shit ngl dont go
May 2, 2022


decent school but basic issues like bullying aren't dealt with. racism isn't seen as a major issue and the head teacher is 'friends' with the worse behaved kids and will let their actions slide (which included a lot of racist remarks thrown at the few POC students in one year group).
Oct 13, 2021

It’s a good school, some issues.

It’s alright. The positives are that it’s quite a good school, the teachers are alright, not too much homework, extra curricular activities, people are generally nice. Teaching system is not very effective but that’s true for most schools, and it’s different for everyone. But there are all these new rules. I don’t agree with some of them, I think they’re too strict and unreasonable. Firstly, we have to take our coats off before we enter a classroom. This doesn’t make sense to me. Why must we do this? We also aren’t allowed to drink or eat anywhere that isn’t the canteen. I understand that they don’t want people to litter, but we can’t even drink from our water bottles that are reusable and not plastic. And we can’t eat or drink outside either! It HAS to be the canteen. I saw a teacher outside eating! How hypocritical!
Another thing, the planners. They aren’t planners. Planners are for planning things. For writing things like your homework in so you don’t forget. These are not planners. These are for taking away behaviour points. That is the main purpose of these so called ‘planners’. How it works is if you do something wrong, they sign your planner and take away a behaviour point. But they take away a point for anything. Being a bit late, not getting your planner out before they do the ‘equipment checks’ and if you don’t have a piece of equipment. Also if you don’t do the retrieval starter quick enough. We are not allowed to damage or doodle on these planners. ‘Personalise’ it as they said. Uh oh, what will they do when they found out we wrote our names on them…Plus, the teachers were going to make us do a fire drill in the rain? A boy set off the fire alarm, (we all know who it was, he was looking rather pleased with himself) so we all evacuated the building. The teachers were not happy as you’d expect. They went on to say that we were lucky that we’d done this fire drill now because the time they’d scheduled it it was going to rain. And they knew it was going to rain! They had planned for us to do a fire drill in the rain. How insane is that? I do appreciate that they’re just trying to make the school better, but this is just unnecessary. One more thing: the toilets. We aren’t allowed to go during lessons without a toilet pass, which I’m sure many are familiar with, because they don’t trust us not to mess around. (Although perhaps if you trusted us more we wouldn’t feel the need) the second problem with the toilets are that they don’t have doors. I don’t mean the stalls, of course they do. But the bathroom overall. Not much privacy when washing your hands and looking in the mirror. This wouldn’t be a problem for many, but what if a Muslim wanted to fix their hijab? They wouldn’t be able to because there’s no privacy to do so without people walking past. Please don’t claim to be inclusive when you aren’t really. And attendance? It’s not someone’s fault if they are ill. Some people have chronic health conditions. That’s hardly fair on them. The reason sickness spreads so quickly is because children are pressured to come into school even when they are poorly. Sorry for this rant, but it has to be said. I mean no disrespect to this school, I enjoy attending here I just had to say this.

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